Sunday, April 7, 2013


So Friday night Josh had spring ball practice and laundry so Jake and I had our own date. I love this age because we can actually spend quality time together. We went to the local frozen yogurt shop, Di'lishi (where he always gets vanilla with sprinkles, marchino cherries and jellybeans) and then rented a Red Box movie "Rise of the Guardians" which was also really good.

Jake is still in swimming lessons. This is him jumping off the block.
Jake has a couple of favorite foods that I wanted to document.

Spaghetti. And only made by me. No Chef Boy R Dee any more.

Fruit. Especially Apples, Strawberries and Blueberries. He likes to eat apples so much that he has lost 3 teeth before he has even entered kindergarden.

Popsicles. Not just this kind but all popsicles.
He HATES peanut butter. Josh and I can't believe we have a child that hates peanut butter. lol.
He isn't fond of peppers either.

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