Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mothers Day/Dave Ramsey

So last weekend was Mother's Day.

We went strawberry picking

To the park as a family

And Josh's parents came for lunch on Sunday
This weekend has been quiet. I had to post this picture of Jake reading with "his race car helmet on".
Cause everyone needs to be safe when reading lol
Had Jake's last parent teacher conference at preschool this past week.
Ms. Lisa commented on how he LOVES numbers. He is the first one to call out a number or add numbers together when they do math.  Art on the other hand, he just sits and waits until she lets him go to the building/block center. He just is so sensitive aand straighforward. Just like me.
Not as creative. So that was interesting to find out.
I also wanted to start document our Dave Ramseyish journey on here as we pay off all of our debt.
This way I can look back and see how far we have come.
We started out with 72K in debt (all car and student loans) in January 2012. As of today we are down to 45.5K. So about 27K paid off in a year and a half. Not bad.
Our goal #1: pay Josh's car off by the end of the year.
Goal # 2: Pay Josh's student loan off by July 1 2014
Goal #3: Debt FREE by Jan 1 2015.
Its not been easy this past year and a half but we are determined to "live like no one else so that we can live like no one else" in the future.
In the future we will pay cash for cars and anything else we want. Save more, Spend less.
We refuse to be paying for Jake's college and our college at the same time.
Hopefully this will help to keep us accountable as I update as we meet our goals.
We have had set backs. Cash flowing braces, dog surgerys and trips.
But we are determined.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

So lots to update.
Here we are out for Mexican:)

Brooks 5 months old

We spent a couple of days at the beach last week. Not the greatest weather but good family time. The wind was kinda crazy but we still had fun!

Josh and I also started the 30 day wall sit challenge and 30 day squat challenge. We are on day 12 and still trucking.