Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cute pics

Thought I would update with some of the cute pics we have taken in the last week. One is in the cute football outfit my Aunt Susie gave us ( hopefully it will be cool enough to wear it to one of the night games). I also FINALLY caught a picture of him laughing. It seems we never have the camera ready at the right time. I also put one of him yawning, with him putting his dukes up and one of the great diaper bag my best friend Mandy sent me which you can see is well used.

Jake is 5 weeks 5 days today and is starting a little colicy stage. We have tried running the vaccum, nursery songs on CD and walking around with him. Some work more than others, for a time period. It usually lasts in the window of 9pm - 12am. But last night I tried the Dr.Brown's bottles and he went right to sleep after he ate so we were in bed a little earler ( didn't try that method until 11pm).

2 weeks from today I will be in the ATL !

Thursday, August 21, 2008

5 weeks

Jake is 5 weeks old today! Time seems to have gone by fast as we look back. He is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time most days which is good and eating quite a lot. Josh's parents came to visit for the week and have helped by watching Jake, cooking and giving me some time to run errands. They also got him a bunch of cute clothes. Jake also had his first night away from home as they had him stay the night were they were staying so Josh and I could go out for a birthday dinner. This actually made me really sad, the apartment was so quiet with him gone. But at least he was in good hands.

I will try to post more often to tell stories of daily happenings if I can. I am very excited to go home to Atlanta in 2 1/2 weeks to see my friends and family and have them meet Jake. I will also have my brother-in-law Tim visiting and get to meet my sister-in -law to be Trisha.

As you can notice in the pictures I decided to color my hair back to almost its natural shade which is pretty dark but I actually like it and the up keep is easier.

I will continue to post more pictures and try to figure this blog thing out ( thanks Rachel for giving me directions but I still couldn't figure it out). Missing everyone back east but lucky to have such great friends here and our respective workplaces.

I can't believe football starts a week from Saturday here. So GO STEELERS! GO BOBCATS! GO DAWGS!

Monday, August 11, 2008

If anyone can help me figure out how to write the blog and post the pictures underneath them that would be helpful. I am learning as I go. It has been a busy 3 and a half weeks with jake. I can't believe he is almost 1 month old. I have to give thanks to my wonderful husband, Josh, who has weathered the storm of this past few weeks, I won't put details here but those who know would understand. I want to thanks my parents for coming out to help me that first week when we were so sleep deprived, especially I want to thank my mom for all of the cooking, cleaning and support that she has given us the 2 times that she has flown out. I don't know what we would have done without her help.

We are looking forward to having Josh's parents come in this Saturday to meet Jake and spend time with us I am sure they will be just as supportive and as much help as my parents were.

Thank you to everyone for your gifts, well wishes and calls. I will try to keep up with everyone and I am sorry if I have not gotten back to you yet. I can't wait to get to Atlanta in September to see my friends and family.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Jake Andrew Thompson

Jacob (Jake) Andrew Thompson was born on 7/17/08 at 5:55pm CST. He weighed 7 pounds 4 oz and was 19 and 3/4 inches. I am trying this new blog things to be able to update family and friends on how we are doing out here in Texas, so bare with me as I learn how to use this. I will try to post as often as I can with pictures.