Sunday, June 3, 2012

Catching up

Here are a few photos I have been meaning to post to do a little catching up. Jake and Josh went to visit his grandmother with his parents right before Memorial Day weekend. Josh took the above picture of Jake climbing while they were at a park. He has grown so much! We just measured him the other day in his room and he has grown 2 inches in the past 4 months! I wonder what his stats will be when I take him to the doctor for his 4 year old check up next month.

These next 2 pictures were taken last weekend. Josh went to play golf so Jake and I took our first trip to the Hickory Foundation YMCA to play in their toddler pool/big pool. He has SO much fun, I litterally took him away crying. We tried to go again yesterday but at 73 degrees it was just too cool. (Crazy for June) so next weekend we will venture down there again with our neighbors. We can go free since I am a member/employee of the YMCA.

These next pictures were from this weekend. I took Jake to the first Moms of Lenori playgroup that I started. It was pretty successful with 9 moms attending. Too bad I didn't get any pictures except for Jake in the car before we got out. The other pictures were us at the greenway. You can tell Jake is OVER me taking So I took a pic of Josh and I and one myself, which I never do. But I do like my new Steelers shirt:)