Sunday, December 18, 2011

Holidays 2011

Jake and Santa - 3 years old

Making cookies for our 2 Christmas Cookie Exchanges

Jake and one of his best friends - Cole at the Gingerbread house making at the YMCA

Josh took both Jake and his friend Sydney to the gingerbread house making to have some fun.

Thanksgiving 2011

Jake all dressed up for Thanksgiving
Mom and Jake at the penguins
Jake loved to look at the penguins

Mom and Jake:)
My mom had gotten us tickets at the aquarium. Jake enjoyed the sharks and especially the penguins since he thought it was Happy Feet. We had my sister's inlaws over for Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Just so I don't forget I wanted to write some of the isms Jake has these days....
He currently refers to Bailey (the dog) as his sister and says that he is her brother. One say maybe he will have a brother or a sister one day....
We love the way he prays at night and says " A-MEN" and "TWO-NIGHT " We all three laugh so hard.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

When I am 5

Jake thinks that when he is 5 the world will change. He will be able to drink coffee, ride a motorcycle, pretty much anything he wants, its the magical age. So when he asks to do something and I say no his response is "when I am 5 I will be able to".

He also thinks of Santa Claus and God along the same lines. He thinks they are both watching and tells us sometimes that God told him he didn't have to do whatever I am asking.

He pretends a lot at this age.

A funny story this morning was after Jake and Josh went to church they had to stop by a couple of places to find a newspaper for me for coupons. After the 3rd store Jake says to Josh "Daddy, this is ridiculous" and he wanted to go home. LOL.

Josh will be getting braces in the coming weeks so we will see how that goes.

We are playing Elon this weekend and I am headed off to Atlanta for the week of Thanksgiving and hopefully App will get a bye that week and join me later in the week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cousins, Halloween and Soccer

All of the cousins together (Jake 3, Thea 1, TJ 4 days, Peyton 1)
Jake got his first soccer medal
Most of Jake's soccer team (missing Clara)
Jake and his good friend Paxton (who use to bite him when they were babies)
We went Trick or treating with our neighbor and good friend Emily and her daughter. This is Jake and Sydney at Emily's mom's house. Sydney was Olivia the pig. Have to laugh at Jake's pose.
Jake is lately into saying he has his listening ears on. On Halloween he got a ton of candy and grabbed a tootsie roll pop as we got in the car on the way back to the YMCA. I told him not to open it and he did anyway. I asked him why he did that and if his listening ears were on. His response was that his listening ears are asleep. lol. I told him he better wake them up if he wants to go trick or treating.
I have found Jake's personality to be in many ways like mine. He hates scary stuff and he can find "scary people" in almost every movie. So he will watch the movie once and want to move on to the next one, thanks to Netflix this is possible. He is not a very adventerous kid, very loving and sensitive as I have said many times before.
He loves his teachers, especially Ms. Lisa who is very sweet and Ms. Jeanne. We made snack mix this year for all of our neighbors kids and football kid friends as well as his teachers.
Jake has grown about a half inch since his 3rd birthday 3 months ago. He is learning his letters well. Every night before bed and after bath we read, go through his letter flash cards (he can recognize A-F (upper and lower case) right now along with the words on those cards. and then we each pray.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Carter and Cole Photography

A friend of mine I met at a Hickory's mommy group over a year ago named Shellie took these pictures. I think she did a great job considering we paid 1/4 of what we have paid in the past for professional photography. We took the pictures in Hickory at Glenn Hilton park.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Jake in the morning. He just got his stitches out yesterday. Recap: last week he ran into his friend Cayden and fell on a chair. After a trip to urgent care and the ER it resulted in 5 stitches. He did well, he just didn't like being "wrapped like a taco". You can't really tell since his hair hides it.
Today Jake was helping me clean. I would show him where the dirt was and he would suck it up with the vaccum.
Jake had his soccer pictures last weekend while I was at one of my childhood friend's weddings, Mike McCollum. Josh's parents were nice enough to drive him all the way to Marion so that he could get his first ever soccer pictures with his team. So cute!
Just for my memory he said something funny today. When Josh is out of town for football I let him sleep in my bed. He said " Mommy I get to sleep in your bed because you are my best friend". Just made me chuckle.
We are refinishing Josh's childhood furniture which was handed down from his grandmother so that we can put the pieces in Jakes room. Its a larger dresser and a full bed, I am excited to spruce them up and move Jake into normal size furniture. His clothes DO NOT fit his current dresser that still has the diaper change area built into the top of it. I will post pictures when we finish the project and move them in to the room.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Football and Soccer 2011

Our first football game of the 2011 Season - Virginia Tech. An awful loss, but we got some money out of at least.
Jake's first day at his new school
Jake on a horse at Tweetsie, one of our neighbor's works there and gave me 3 free tix
Jake's new school- 1st Baptist in Marion
Jake talking strategy with Clara
This is Jake and Clara. Jake and Clara are best friends, they have kissed on the soccer field and then walked off holding hands. I am only saying this to document this for one day when he gets older:)
Jake is # 3
Jake and Grandma at Tweetsie
Jake taking a break during his soccer game.
ASU kids 2011 Maren, Zoey, Jake and Bennett

Jake 2011 (left)
Jake 2010 (right)
both before the first home game
Jake loves his new school. He loves playing soccer, he just got his first new pair of cleats, Nike of course. They are red and black. This football season has been pretty easy so far now that we have to sit in the stands. Luckly no more strollers to lug around or diapers. He has lots of other kids to play with and as of now there is plenty of room to play where we sit.
Jake refers to his bed as his "beddy" not sure why. He also has an imaginary friend that visits sometimes named Annie (from Little Einsteins).

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Updates and 31st birthday Celebration

my good friend Karen
the group
After 12 years I am go glad we are all still friends! (including Jen who had to leave early)
I had a great birthday weekend in Atlanta. I got to spend time with my family, go to JCT kitchen with my college friends and sister and BIL. Then on Saturday I went to my dear friend Alison's wedding to Nic. All in all a good weekend.
My actual birthday I ran some errands, spent some pool time with my neighbor emily and her daughter Sydney who is Jake's good friend and went to eat at the Red Onion. My iphone wont send the pics to my e-mail so no pictures for that day yet.
Jake is funnier than ever as he gets older. He went for his 3 year old check up (on 8/8/11) and he is 36.75 inches tall and 33 pounds, which is about the 50%tile. He seems to be getting to tall I can't believe how fast time flies.
Some funny things he has said lately:
Bailey drank out of his toliet (gag!) and when I told him how dicusting that was he said " Bailey that is uscusting(sp)! You dirty dog, get away!
He is really in to playing soccer and he got his first pair of shinguards. He wore them around the first day and told us to refer to him as "soccer player" and I was "Mommy soccer player".
He is such a sweet boy and talks to anyone that will listen. He will walk up to perfect strangers in the store and tell him what is on his shirt that day or some random story, it is too funny!
He likes to pretend, we just got him a Little tikes grill with some birthday money my aunt Janet sent us and he loves to pretend to grill for us just like his daddy.
He is making new friends at his new school, Bella and Jaxson are two of the newest.
Thats about it for now, I just want to make sure I update so I won't forget these memories.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jake Turns 3!

My family at the Bistro for dinner after Jake's party.
Aunt Christie and Uncle Stephen
Some pictures from Jake's 3rd Birthday. How the years fly little man is 3 years old. How can that be?
Here are a few pictures from his Toy Story Birthday at the YMCA. We did a pinata. For my memory: we did chicken nuggets and hot dogs with potatoe salad and chips and grapes and blue berries.

He is a very sensitive, loving little boy. In his daycare portfolio they said he is always comforting other kids in the class, helping them put their shoes on or play. He is so polite. He says "Sorry, mom, or "Thank you, mom, for tying my shoes, buying him a toy, etc.". Last night at dinner he said "Mom, I think your shoes are pretty!".
He is also very stubborn, and throws tantrums. If you ask him what he wants he will say "I want, nuthin!" He loves motorcycles, he call his bike helmet his motorcycle helmet as he rides his little motorcycle.
He loves Toy Story: Buzz, Woody and Bullseye the most. He loves Cars, especially Lightening McQueen and Mater. He loves sports, football and golf, soccer and now basketball since we cleared out our basment and made it more of a living room/playroom and his grandma and grandpa got him a basketball goal.
Here are a few pictures from his party:
He has grown 4 inches in the last year. His loves: chicken nuggets, fruit and veges,hot dogs, A1 and BBQ sauce and salsa; although he has started to dislike a few things: peanut butter, tomatoes (if they are not in sauce or something), and califlower.