Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter week 2009

This easter week we spent in SC, GA and Chicago visiting family. Jake turned 9 months and has learned the following things in the last month: how to pull up, crawling, standing on his own for a about 10-20 seconds, clapping his hands, he also looks to be getting more teeth and got his first hair cut.Here are some pics from the past week.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Jake's Easter Photos, almost 9 monthes old

So I decided that I wanted to finally get some good pics of Jake done and we took him to Sears portait studio, he wasn't scared of the Easter Bunny, just kind of wondered who was holding him.

Jake can also stand by himself for about 20 seconds at a time.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jake's poor nose

jake's poor nose from his cold....the nurse said he was a "such a pretty baby"even with the messed up nose :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Snow Day

Here are a few pictures from the first time jake has ever seen snow.