Sunday, February 26, 2012


So yesterday Jake, Josh and I went down to Rock Hill to see Jake's newest cousin, Daylen.

He was born on Monday, Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:46am. 7 pounds 5 oz and 19 1/2 inches.

We spent some time playing with Peyton (Daylen's sister) who is about 19 months old.

Then we went over to my in-laws house where Jake's other 2 cousins were staying for the day.
Thea (16 months old)

She loves to run and is smiling all the time.

We also got to love on our nephew T.J. (4 months old)

Here are 3 out of the 5 cousins together

All in all a great time was had and we are looking forward to seeing everyone at Easter!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Well I feel that I am on a roll. Posting 3 days in a row! Too bad I am off to Atlanta today and not back for a week.

Today is Valentine's Day and I barely got to see my Valentine as he left for work early as I was still sleeping. I took the day off to travel to Atlanta to leave Jake with my mom while I catch a flight tomorrow morning for San Antonio for a conference for work.

I did leave a gift from for my wonderful husband to open when he gets home.

He left some small valentines for us near the coffee pot this morning.

(Sorry I couldn't get the picture turned the correct way)

Jake and I made some Valentine's treats for my staff on Sunday. I have made these Pintrest treats with Rolos before. This time I used white/dark chocolate kisses and Peanut butter and Cherry m&ms.

Sad to be leaving my family for 4 and 1/2 days but I know I will be happy to see my old friends and coworkers after 3 years and eat some yummy mexican food.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The 411

So after not having enough time to blog I have suddenly been into linking up with other blogs. So today after seeing it posted in my friend Lynsey's blog I decided to link up with A Complete Waste of Makeup and give you the 411 on our blog.

1. Tell Us Why You Blog

To keep track of our lives. For the life of me as much as I love how cute scrapbooks are I can't find the time or energy to make one so this is a great way to remember milestones as Jake gets older.

2. Tell Us About Your Blog

I originally started to blog just weeks after my son Jake (who is now 3 1/2) was born. My husband works with a college football team and we were currently living in Texas when Jake was born so I wanted to keep friends and family up to date with pictures of Jake. Now its full of memories and so neat to look back at and reminisce as Jake grows up WAY too fast. I hope to use it in the future to tell friends, family and strangers about our path through Adoption.

3. Tell Us About You

I am a mother of one cute little boy, Jake. I currently work as a Member Engagement Director at a YMCA in Marion,NC. I have a batchelor's In Health Promotion and Education from the University of Georgia and a Master's of Healthcare Administration from UNCCharlotte. I met my husband while in Charlotte for grad school.

I have lived in 6 different states (Born in Chicago, then moved to GA, then off to Pittsburgh after undergrad, then Charlotte, NC for Grad School then Troy, AL after marriage and then Austin, TX for my husband's job and now finally have made my way back to Lenoir, NC (near App State). I currently commute almost an hour each way to work but really enjoy what I do as does my husband.

I love my college sorority friends (Alpha Gamma Delta:)) and a wonderful family and go back to Atlanta to visit fairly often. I love to coupon too. I am trying to get the hang of sewing.....its a work in progress:)

4. Tell Us About Your Job

See # 3 I enjoy working for the Y, only wish the commute wasn't as long. But know doubt I love having a job I can take my child to work at and learn about to swim and play soccer.

5. Tell Us About Your City

We live in a small town, Lenoir, NC. I am a city girl at heart and love getting back to the

larger suburbs when I can......

6. Tell Us about your favorite hobbies, activities and things to do

This might be a repeat but I love to coupon and find deals. I love to go to the local greenway near our house and run, walk and let Jake ride his bike. I like to blog and I am starting to learn how to sew:)
I LOVE the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Pitt Panthers and the Georgia Bulldogs!

I love football and think it was meant to be that I married someone who works for a football team.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Working Mom, Crazy Busy Life

I am for the first time linking up with Kelly's Korner - Show Us Your Life -Working Moms.

For those that our reading our blog for the first time I am a working mother of a 3 and half year old, named Jake and a wonderful husband Josh.

  I work as a Membership Director at a YMCA and commute almost an hour each way each day. My husband is over the Nike Account at Appalachian State University along with being the football equipment manager. Our life is BUSY. I am so lucky to work at a flexible job that my son can go take swimming lessons and soccer and I can bring him to work almost whenever I want. Both my husband and I have that luxury. I guess that is why both being working parents with long commutes (his is 40 minutes) works.

But the time constraints is why we are no longer looking to go through the Foster to Adopt program that we had started in January. We had started it with high hopes of adding to our family through going through DSS. Through going through the classes we have discovered that the time and effort that would be needed to be able to do "shared parenting" and taking the child to therapy possibly would not work with our life. We are so thankful to our neighbors and friends (pictured above) Emily and Jimmy. They have supported us in this process and watched Jake while we were in class.

My in-laws were also great about watching Jake for a weekend to help out too.

We are still open to ADOPT. We are going to go the direction of telling everyone and networking and hoping that GOD will lead us to a child when the time is right. So hopefully in the future I will post more about that. Jake goes to Kindergarden next year- I can't beleive it.

I am going to San Antonio this week to see old coworkers (who I haven't seen in 3 years!) and my old Y. I am SO excited. Then its off to the beach in early May for our annual beach trip.

With trips to Nashville for a girls weekend and hopefully a trip to Chicago to visit my grandparents it will be a BUSY year.

Because I don't get much time to update our blog I want to update about Jake. Jake is going through a defiant stage. He has decided to poop in his pants 3 times this week just out of the blue, almost on purpose. He LOVES Spiderman and wears his costume quite often, I bought his Spiderman house slippers just yesterday.

We are also about to welcome another nephew, Daylen!

These are Jake with his cousins so far.....Thea, TJ and Peyton.

Hopefully in the future we can add to the group!

Thanks for reading!