Saturday, August 11, 2012

Jake's Check up and Salsa making

Jake had his 4 year old check up this past Wednesday.
At 4 year's old he is 38 pounds (67%)
41 inches (64%)
So just above the middle of the road. I expect he will be like Josh and be 5'8 or so and lean, but he has my personality:) haha.

I have shared this on facebook but I am recording it on here for memories. This what Jake said to the doctor this week:

Jake at his 4 year old check up today. "doc, I think I know what the problem is". "
doc says, "ok".
Jake" i think my heart hurts. "
Doc" why is that?"
Jake" I think it's because I eat boogers"
Doc "yes, you should probley stop doing that."

He has very good vocabulary and suprises me and how adult he can be sometimes.

He got 4 shots which he DID NOT like (but who does?) and hobbles around for the next day saying it hurt because they did them in his thighes.

We have SO many tomatoes that I am running out of ideas as to how to use them. So I told Josh I wanted a blender for making salsa (suprised we never registered for one when we got married over 6 years ago but that is besides the point). So Josh came home with one this week as my early birthday present.

My neighbor Leah traded some cilantro for some of my tomatoes and green onions so I will able to try to set out and make some this morning with Jakes help.

I loved how easy it was to blanche the tomatoes.


3 cans of rotel (great value brand)

4 fresh tomatoes cut up

minced garlic



lime (left over from what I ordered at dinner last night along with some red onion that Josh didn't want on his hamburger lol)

This is Jake reading the directions to the blender.

At first I thought the salsa looked a little soupy but after tasting it I think it was a success!

I went ahead and fixed up 6 more tomatoes and a green pepper (that was pretty much turned to a red pepper) and put them in Ziploc vaccum frezzer bags which I had in my storage cabinet.

I am very excited that it was so easy to make and have already consumed half of the above container, luckily it made enough for entire larger container (not pictured).

Coming Up......our trip to Chicago this week to see family.....yay!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Catching Up

So I would like to update more often but I just never get the energy to sit down and put all of the pictures together, or the time for that matter:) So this will just be a catch up post. 

 This was our tomato plant a couple of weeks ago, its worse now. Not that we don't have a TON of tomatoes but it has taken over our garden. We had to move both our blue berries and our green pepper plant because of all of the shade this plant gives off. Now I just need to buy a blender to make some salsa:)
 This is my new favorite food, mini mexican bowls. I just cut out tortilla's the width of a martini glass, microwave them to make them soft, stuff them in the cupcake molds and put some shredded cheese on the bottom and fill them with cooked chicken, back beans, tomatoes and top with some more shredded cheese.I LOVE them, but after making them twice and seeing the scale go up I think I should hold off before making more..haha.  

 Jake LOVES to play on our front porch, here we were playing super heros:)

 Jake and one of his best friends Sydney who is also our neighbor hanging out at our house

The two green peppers our plant has yielded. I expected more but I think because of all of the shade it has gotten and having to replant it in a sunnier area this may be all we get. 

We had to reschedule Jake's 4 year old check up so hopefully I can update those results soon.

Football started on Friday with Media Day on Saturday. Luckily Jake was able to go work with Josh while I worked (I try to pick a MOD day that he doesn't have football and other than yesterday and the weekend before Thanksgiving we have games every weekend.)

So football life has started again! Every year it gets easier in some sense as Jake gets older (unless we decide to throw another kid in the mix next year). 

Josh and my birthdays fall around next weekend. I usually spend the weekend in ATL with my girlfriends but  this year I am flying up to Chicago with my family to see my mom's side of the family which is great too. Looking forward to a few days off.:)