Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bath time!

Here are some pics of Jake after I got him out of the bath. These last to nights have been awful because he is teething and likes to push up on his arms a lot while in the crib. I think I have got about 5 hours sleep each night. So I am exhuasted.

Monday, February 16, 2009

7 months old, YMCA friends

Here are some pictures from lunch at Maudies with friends from work before our staff meeting at the Alamo Drafthouse movie theatre. Then that night we went to the head coach's house for a get together and Jake and Ryder played. Jake has mastered sitting but Ryder, who is 7 weeks younger, is still working at balancing. They both had a good time though. There are also some pics of Jake in his jumper, he doesn't quite bounce yet, but tries to walk some in it. As of now he has:

broken his 2nd tooth through
tries to crawl....backwards
says dada and mom-ma
sits unassisted for long periods of time
rolls both ways

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Salt Lick

Last night we went to the Salt Lick with (most) of my dear friends from work. They have great BBQ, which has been featured on the Food Network. Here are some pictures of the great time.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Almost 7 monthes old

Here are some recent pictures, Jake will be 7 months old a week from tomorrow.

One of the pitures was taken with a friend, Ana , at work with her baby Lily and Jake. Many people say that Jake seems like he is always in a good mood, so I thought I would share pics taken right after each other, one where he is smiling and then soon after he is crying. He has also pretty much mastered sitting by himself, until he goes to grab a toy out of reach and topples over. He also recently had his first ride in a shopping cart (not in a car seat) he seemed to enjoy the ride through Target.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

trying out the video

We figured out how to upload video so now we will try to upload some videos from time to time which is better than just pics!

Monday, February 2, 2009

first tooth and Superbowl XIII

We noticed Jake's first tooth coming in Jan.26th as we were on the plane back from Charlotte. You can see in one of these pictures its in the lower middle. Jake also had his Steelers outfit on to cheer on the Superbowl champs. He is getting a little bit of rash around his mouth from the slobber and the pacifers. Last week Jake had his well baby check at at almost 6 and 1/2 months he is 17 lbs, 27 inches.