Monday, February 16, 2009

7 months old, YMCA friends

Here are some pictures from lunch at Maudies with friends from work before our staff meeting at the Alamo Drafthouse movie theatre. Then that night we went to the head coach's house for a get together and Jake and Ryder played. Jake has mastered sitting but Ryder, who is 7 weeks younger, is still working at balancing. They both had a good time though. There are also some pics of Jake in his jumper, he doesn't quite bounce yet, but tries to walk some in it. As of now he has:

broken his 2nd tooth through
tries to crawl....backwards
says dada and mom-ma
sits unassisted for long periods of time
rolls both ways

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That's an awesome report! He is sooo precious! I am so glad we will be seeing more of you guys!