Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas in ATL - 5 months 2 weeks old

Here are some pics from Christmas in ATL, and a few from SC in there, as you can tell he is slowly putting weight The green tree is my parent's house and the white tree is my sister's place. We had my grandparents visit as well as Josh's uncle.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Catching up, 5 monthes 6 days

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks. Jake can almost roll all the way over from his back to his tummy, he has done it a couple of times from his tummy to back. We are also using one of those bumbo chairs to help him learn how to sit by himself. Currently we are at josh's Parents for the first half of the Christmas week where we are having a wonderful time. Jake got to meet Uncle Tim and Eric and Aunt Trish and Paige for the first time as well as Great PawPaw. There is also a picture with Jake and our ringbearer Caleb and the dogs, Rusty and Sandy. Jake is putting everything in his mouth these days.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

more pictures

Also wanted to say that my Aunt Janet set the new Steelers outfit. Here are some more of the family pics Andrea took. Unfortunatly I noticed I had lipstick on my teeth in every picture.:( We will save the best ones to send out for Christmas (not shown here)

Catching up....20 weeks

Jacob is now 20 weeks old. He and I flew home to Atlanta for Thanksgiving since Josh was in Montana. Unfortunalty Jake and I got very sick and so most of the trip was uneventful and I didn't take pictures because I felt so bad. But there are a few of my mom carrying him in the same carrier she carried me and my sister. We are feeding him soy so make him get rid of the bad bowel movements and so we feed him som eprunes the other night, which he really liked as you can see from him grabbing the spoon. Too bad later he had really bad gas because of it and was not a happy camper.

I also took some pics of him all bundled up with his new hat. My coworker ANdrea also took some pictures of us in the playground at work, one of which to use as our first family christmas pictuer (minus Bailey). We will be going to Josh's home in two weeks to stay with my inlaws and then on to Atlanta to stay with my family. The gret-grandparents will be in to see Jacob so that will be fun.