Saturday, October 1, 2011


Jake in the morning. He just got his stitches out yesterday. Recap: last week he ran into his friend Cayden and fell on a chair. After a trip to urgent care and the ER it resulted in 5 stitches. He did well, he just didn't like being "wrapped like a taco". You can't really tell since his hair hides it.
Today Jake was helping me clean. I would show him where the dirt was and he would suck it up with the vaccum.
Jake had his soccer pictures last weekend while I was at one of my childhood friend's weddings, Mike McCollum. Josh's parents were nice enough to drive him all the way to Marion so that he could get his first ever soccer pictures with his team. So cute!
Just for my memory he said something funny today. When Josh is out of town for football I let him sleep in my bed. He said " Mommy I get to sleep in your bed because you are my best friend". Just made me chuckle.
We are refinishing Josh's childhood furniture which was handed down from his grandmother so that we can put the pieces in Jakes room. Its a larger dresser and a full bed, I am excited to spruce them up and move Jake into normal size furniture. His clothes DO NOT fit his current dresser that still has the diaper change area built into the top of it. I will post pictures when we finish the project and move them in to the room.

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