Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kindergarten Week

So it finally came. Kindergarten week. I was lucky enough to be able to use a week of vacation to take the time to spend with Jacob this week. His teacher is Ms. Crump and so far he loves it. I was afraid that since he is such a sensitive kid he would have cried but I was the only one who did. LOL.

I hope he continues to love school and do well. I hope that we can teach him to be a nice kid, accept everyone for their differences. 

This is Jake with his new haircut. I think it makes him look so much older.

Jake and I took Monday and went on a trip to Deep Gap, NC to Cascade Falls where we saw a big waterfall and had lunch.

The first day pictures.

Love this one!

My big boy at his desk:)

After the first day we went to Di'lishi to have some frozen yogurt to celebrate.

After his first day he said it was hard work writing 2s and 3s. He told my mom on the phone he went and saw the gym where they will have "P.G."? he meant P.E. which was funny telling my mom who use to be a P.E.  teacher before I was born. 

I love this age, that we can do so much with each other yet he is still my little boy.
Today and tomorrow I am helping out our friend and neighbor who is also a teacher by taking Sydney to school with Jake since Emily has to be at school at 7:20 for the first week and has to drop off her other daughter at the babysitter. 

Josh is off to Montana tonight for the first game of the season. No playoffs this year since we are changing divisions but it will still be a great season, we play GEORGIA on Nov. 9th which I am excited about. 

Off to Atlanta this weekend to spend time with the family and my nephew, an early celebration for my sister's birthday since I have to work next weekend. 

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