Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thanksgiving and Christmas

So I am REALLY behind on posting but here are a few pics from Thanksgiving at my parents and celebrating Brooks 1st birthday......

This has to be my favorite. He hated the cake. Never even ate a bite and did not want frosting on him.
Then we came back on Christmas Day and spent more time until the following Sunday. I had a bad cold but we still had a good time:)
Jake with Elf on the shelf

Jake with Santa at 5 years old

Jake with Thea ( Jake 5, Thea 3)

Jake getting ready to come down the stairs to see what Santa brought

All the cousins on the Thompson side

Jake and Brooks in Jakes new tent

Puppy play date with Alisons dog


1 comment:

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Belated Merry Christmas!!
