Saturday, March 2, 2013


Why is the question of the day these days in our house.

Why are our heads round?

Why does Santa say "Ho, Ho, Ho" and "Merry Christmas"?

and my favorite....."Why is your butt so big"? Asked as Jake was standing behind me in the bathroom. LOL.

Jake has gotten in trouble twice this week. He got his first note home for not listening and spilling applesauce. I spoke with him and asked the teacher if he could not sit next to a certain child. Her response was that that wasn't the problem. She said Jake is an extrovert and even if they are standing in line against the wall for the bathroom he gets out of line to talk to people at the front.

As for the applesauce she said he didn't spill it, he took a hockey stick like side swipe to it and that is why he got in trouble. She told me that I shouldn't fear that he ever get lost because he can tell her all of his parents/family FULL names and describe what we look like in detail. LOL

He told me this week he is bored at school, he asked if he would meet new friends in heaven one day. The questions just keep coming.

On top of that as I have mentioned this kid LOVES apples. So much that he has now lost his 3rd tooth eating one.

Poor kid.
I told him no more eating apples unles they are cut up. Luckily one of the teeth he lost first is barely starting to come in on the bottom.
Poor Bailey too. She has been keeping us up all night due to the constant yeast infections in her ears. She shakes her head all the time yet we don't think the constant steroids are good for her. She also has a large fluid like lypoma inside her right leg. The vet never really has ever made a comment about it but now it affects how she walks so we have to take her to the vet to get it removed. Nice way to spend $600 in a day.
Anyway, life is busy around here. Spring practice and lots of birthday parties and events.

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