Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kimberly's Wedding/Garden

This past weekend one of my good friends, Kimberly became Mrs. Thompson. That's right, we now have the same last name!:) About 12 of our friends shared a house near Young Harris, GA to stay and celebrate the wedding. The above picture was taken before she went down the aisle.

This is beautiful Kimberly coming down the aisle. It was a small wedding of about 80 of mostly friends or family.

This is Trish, Larisa and I with a quick picture before we were off to the wedding and to see the rest of our friends!

Love this picture of all of us. These are a great group of friends. We have been friends since 99' and no matter how near or far some of us live from each other we reconnect a couple of times a year whether it be coffee, dinner or a wedding. Some of us are closer to each other than others but as my "big sister" Larisa said, "we all have our special bond with each one". It feels fantastic to be able to go and see them  for the weekend, for it to be comfotable and easy and fun just catching up. Having moved around as much as I have I cherish friendships with good friends, because good friends are hard to make and sometime hard to keep as people's lives change and some move on.
I miss these ladies and can't wait for the next time I see them!

 These  are just a few of Jake that I found that I wanted to make sure I post, probley a little old.

 This is our garden back on May 14th when we first planted. As you can see in the pictures below the garden has gone crazy. We are starting to get green peppers, LOTS of tomatoes, (so much better than last year) and onions and peas too! Our blueberries have been alright, the birds seem to like them so one plant has no more berries. I am just glad we finally decided to build the planter this year and grow some food.

Jake loves to eat the green onions out of the garden. Sometimes we will sit in the morning or late evening hanging out eating green onions.:)

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