Friday, October 5, 2012

If you really knew me.....

I am linking up with my grad school friend Lynsey to a neat post of

"If you really knew me...."

If you really knew me you would know:

I do not like things that are white and creamy; that includes yogurt, sour cream, cool whip, soft white cheeses and I could go on and on

I love football, esp. the Steelers, the Georgia Bulldawgs and University of Pittsburgh (even though I never went there)

I worry about everything, I am very analytical.

I love to give gifts, that is my love language.

I believe you can never have too many friends and I hate to exclude people and although I move a decent amount I try really hard to stay connected to my friends from college

I say "bolth" instead of both and "un-k" instead of ok

I have had 7 surgeries

I have no sense of smell and to my knowledge never have

when i laugh most of the time its so hard I cry

I have a problem of keeping a straight face when I am uncomfortable and laugh in some of the most serious situations

I am very sensitive and I wear my heart of my sleeve

If I could do something else it would probley work for Dave Ramsey or be a financial planner, many of my family members say I am good at it

I really like coupons and hate when I miss out on using one; I hate buying things at full price.

Thanks for reading!

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