Saturday, March 17, 2012

Swimming lessons

Jake practicing kicking with Mr. Jeff

 Jake waiting his turn to swim

Jake practicing red light, green light with Ms. Taylor

Jake started swimming lessons 2 weeks ago and LOVES them. Where last year we couldn't get him in the water without me what a difference a year makes.  I think it is really important that he learns how to swim so I am excited he will have some skill before our beach trip in May down to Seagrove, FL.

I also have been in a competition at work to see who can get the most steps. Of course our property guy who walks all day is beating us hands down but it has been fun to compete with my other coworkers. So Jake and I have spent extra time at the greenway (as my bum foot will allow) and he gets better and better riding his bike.  It seems like he went from hardly riding a tricycle to riding a bike with training wheels in no time. He is growing up way too fast. Now I have to try to keep up with

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