Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jake's 2nd Birthday Party part 2

This past weekend we went down to ATL to celebrate Jake's 2nd birthday with my family, Josh's uncle and his girlfriend, and my dear friends from college and to celebrate Karen's 30th birthday. On Saturday my mom and I also took Jake to the local Farmer's Market in Matietta Square where he got to play on the train. We had such a great time and I have such great family and friends!

I also got a chance to go out with my college girlfriends for Karen's 30th b-day....so fun!

Julie and Jake are only about 3 months apart....future girlfriend maybe? :)

Jacob got this cool tricycle from Grandma and Grandpa, he LOVES riding it on the greenway since he is SO over the stroller.

Jacob is offically 2 years old! My how time flys. A little about what he is doing these days.....

Jacob is in 24 month/ 2T clothes, size 6 shoes. Not sure how much he weighs, we go to the doctor soon. He is just starting potty training, he tells us when he is wet or dry but just hasn't actually peed on the potty yet. He sits every so often and then gets up, the same way at school.

Jake's vocabulary is really strong, not sure if its somewhat from all the time that he watches video's in the car on the way to and from daycare. But he speaks very clearly at home and school and the teachers have remarked how clear he vocabulary is.

Jake has started sleeping in a "big boy bed" which is his crib with a railing instead of the side of the crib. Oddly enough since we put it up a week ago his sleeping is so much better, almost every night he has slept through the night, hopefully I didn't just jinx it. ha.

Jake loves bus, cars, trains, motorcycles and trucks and got many for his birthday. He loves Mickey and now Thomas the Train (more than Manny) He wants to watch the same video almost every day in the car, it goes in spurts.....lately it was Happy Feet and these days its Shrek.
He lives his new tricycle and loves playing in the baby pool we got for our house.

His favorite foods these days are still mostly the same, chicken, carrots, guacamole and blueberries.

He has recent had some allergic reactions and we are watching to try to figure out what they are from.

1 comment:

Lynsey said...

Jake is adorable, Linds. I can't wait for little Baby M to meet him one day! I think a Boone visit will certainly be in order.